2:00 - Tom "Fritz" Martin
3:00 - Newgrass Station
4:00 - Gopher Baroque Band
5:00 - Bourbon & Vinyl
6:15 - Tomacco
7:30 - Last Minute
8:45 - Left of Center
Noon - The Fret Mashers
1:15 - James Adkins
2:30 - Micah Kesselring
3:45 - Bootleg City Band
5:00 -
6:15 - The Moonbats
7:45 - Glass Forest
9:00 - Zack Attack
11:00 - Bassnotik
Funnel Cake Kitchen
Kloepfer's Kitchen
Ruggie's Rolling Restaurant
From the Heart
J&J Jems
Starner Gemstones
Register to be a 2025 Vendor today by using the form below:
White Raja IPA (ABV: 6.8%)
Lemon Shandy
Wine Slushies (multiple flavors)
With city fireworks friday and live music, why not stay all weekend?
(Search Friday, July 4 - Sunday, July 5 in the reservation portal)
Saturday, July 6th from 2:00 - 4:00p
Children 12 & Under receive a FREE Wyanstock T-shirt to decorate to their liking!
Brought to you by Sunshine Insurance Agency & JB & Company.
Saturday, July 6th - CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children) will hold a Cash Cow raffle to to support its operations in Wyandot County. A limited number of squares are available to purchase for $20 each.
Squares will be on sale during Wyanstock up until the cow does it's think, or until they are gone. Grab one while you can, and watch the cow do its thing Saturday afternoon!
Wyanstock is made possible with purely volunteer help. Be a part of the festival by signing up for a shift (or two) by clicking here. Volunteers receive free admission to the festival all weekend, some free beverages, and a free t-shirt to sport all summer! (registration now closed)
Free parking is available in the gravel and grass lot adjacent to the main entrance of the Wyandot County Fairgrounds. Parking around the festival area is prohibited except to band members and vendors.
Wyanstock t-shirts, mens' and ladies' tank tops, hoodies, and hats will be available at the Merch Tent adjacent to the Front Gate. Quantities are limited so be sure to grab yours early! Wyanstock can koozies are available for $2, or can be had FREE with the purchase of 4 or more drink tickets at one time.
Clouse Construction Corp. - Beer Tent Sponsor
Hempy Water - Water Sponsor
JB & Company - Children's Activity Sponsor
Kasai North America - Main Entrance Sponsor
Lawrence Insurance Agency - Stage Sponsor
Mennel Milling Company - Main Entrance Sponsor
Premier Bank - Koozie Sponsor
Regina Vent Realty - Mug Sponsor
Roth Bacon Moon Attorneys - Main Entrance Sponsor
Sunshine Insurance Agency - Children's Activity Sponsor
Teijin Automotive Technologies - Wristband Sponsor
Upper Car Wash & Pet Spa - Beer Tent Sponsor
Upper Sandusky Elks - Koozie Sponsor
Wilson Tire Company - 50/50 Sponsor
Wyandot County Young Professionals
109 S Sandusky Ave, Room 16 - Upper Sandusky, OH 43351